Sunday, 16 September 2012

What is Bra Size?

at 11:02 icon18_edit_allbkg

What is Bra Size ?

Hope you will think that Why am I asking such a silly Question as a first post of this blog ? But as the Survey we have Noticed that 80% of the Women doesn't know the Actual meaning of "What is Bra size?" and what type of Bra they are wearing. 

Some of the Women and Girls don't care about their Bra Size and follows the Blind run after the celebrities Bra Size.

Bra size Consist of the different parts of Bra including Bra band size and Bra Cup Size.

Bra Band Size:
  • Band sizes typically range from 32 to 40 inches, if the lingerie brand is American. Certain brands will go up to a size 44.
  • A specialty brand that designs bras for full-figured or plus-size women will typically carry up to Bra band size 52.
A perfect bra Size for a women or a Girl is which fits her Perfectly according to her Body Structure and Body Figure.Bra size plays and Important role in the development of the Breasts and protection against it.

We are trying our level best to make you Understand that What is Bra size ? and Suggesting you to wear those Bra's only which is perfect for you not that which looks you best.

even you are suggested to check our Bra Tools which contains Bra size Calculator and Bra Size Conversion tools.

Hope you will get a full Idea about the what is Bra Size? 


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